
The Ilyse Kusnetz Writing Festival

Students, faculty, staff, and the community are invited to submit writing to be included on this blog and in our live online and in-person festival March 28, 2024. The festival is happy to accept all kinds of word-based art. This includes prose, poetry, audio recordings, video performances, and visual arts.

Click this link to join the curated open mic at 6:30 PM by Zoom if you are unable to attend in person.

This year’s live event will be held on March 28, 2024, Valencia Winter Park, Room 242.

5-5:30: Meet and greet with refreshments
5:30-6:15: Readings by Kristen Arnett followed by Q/A
6:30-8 PM: Curated Open Mic

If you are interested in presenting your work at the Crated Open Mic, please email any questions and your submissions to Professor Christopher Brown, cbrown214@valenciacollege.edu

While the festival accepts writing of all kinds, we ask that you consider this year’s theme: Writing is Wild.

Writing is an act of self-expression, yet what is considered proper or precise can weigh down an author’s self-perception. We encourage you to focus this year’s submissions on the wild and unbound aspects of your work. What if a character really lets go? What if an author frees themselves from their own expectations of what could happen?

We are excited to see you this year. Thank you for reading and writing!

See writing submissions here!

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